Red Hot Chili Samurai (Kokaku Detective Story) manga creator Yoshitsugu Katagiri launched a new series called Tsuki ni Tsubame to Migi ni Kage (A Swallow Flying in the Moonlight and a Shadow to the Right) in the July issue of Kadokawa Shoten's Monthly Asuka magazine on Tuesday. The action comedy follows a secret organization who fights supernatural beings called "yokuka" who possess humans. The first chapter, which is online, depicts a seemingly ordinary boy named Ensuke Azuma who goes to school by day and works for the organization to exterminate "yokuka" by night.
Red Hot Chili Samurai had run in Kadokawa's Beans Ace magazine until the magazine ended publication in October 2009, when the manga then migrated to Monthly Asuka. Tokyopop licensed the manga in 2009, and had released four volumes in North America before the company announced it would shut down at the end of this month.
The Conductor manga (pictured at left) by Psychic Detective Yakumo's Manabu Kaminaga and the Akaki Tsuki no Mawaru Koro manga by Arata Kigawa are both ending in the July issue of Monthly Asuka.
Source: Comic Natalie
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