Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tokyopop: Japanese Manga Licenses to Revert to Owners

The international manga publisher Tokyopop, which is closing its North American publishing division at the end of this month, issued a statement on its Facebook page regarding the status of its series on Monday. The company confirmed that all of its licensed titles will revert back to their original owners, rather than being held by the company's remaining media division until the contracts expire.

Tokyopop did not address the status of original series for which it owns the rights, however. Many writers, including comic creator Becky Cloonan (whose East Coast Rising comic was published through Tokyopop's "Global Manga" program), blogger Johanna Draper-Carlson, and blogger and comic creator Jason Thompson, expressed concern over the status of these series.

Tokyopop had not responded to ANN's request for comment at press time. California-based manga publisher Digital Manga revealed on Twitter this morning that it is looking into the possibility of rescuing Tokyopop titles.

Source: About Manga

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